• Hatewatch Headlines

Hatewatch Headlines 5/13/15

Hatewatch Staff

Black and white image of inside a classroom with desks and chairs facing a black chalkboard.

The Grio: FBI’s warning ten years ago that law enforcement agencies were being infiltrated by white supremacists went ignored.

Imagine 2050: Anti-Muslim group’s scary new website poses as a legitimate law enforcement tool.

Right Wing Watch: Richard Mack suggests states nullify federal income tax, hopes process will be ‘peaceful.’

Media Matters: Allen West says he was a victim of Sharia law at a Wal-Mart liquor aisle.

Wonkette: Holocaust denier David Cole thinks there should be Nuremburg-style trials for climate scientists.

Raw Story: South Dakota hospital fires nurses after racist anti-Indian video rant goes viral.

CNN: San Francisco officers’ arrests are under review as slur-filled racist texts are revealed.