Washington Post: Appeals court denies Pam Geller’s hate group the trademark protection it sought.
Raw Story: Far-right gun advocate Larry Pratt interviews Sheriff Richard Mack about the future strategy for antigovernment militias in the West.
News Tribune (Tacoma): Pierce County tries to keep deputy prosecutor’s home address out of hands of white supremacist whose case he tried.
Pink News: Benham brothers may yet land a reality show on Christian cable channel after HGTV backed away.
Right Wing Watch: Anti-LGBT football coach Dave Daubenmire plans to ‘bury racism’ at Gettysburg, but believes the wrong side won the Civil War.
Media Matters: Bill O’Reilly says Harvard is ‘inherently racist’ for nonexistent requirement to attend class on white privilege.
Daily Kos: As wallets empty in Nevada, Bundy militia starts begging fellow believers for cash.