• Hatewatch Headlines

Hatewatch Headlines 5/17/2016

Hatewatch Staff


ADF aims at outlawing gay sex; Texas GOP adopts far-right platform; Breitbart attacks Kristol as ‘renegade Jew’; and more.

Media Matters: The far-right Alliance Defending Freedom wants to make gay sex illegal again.

Houston Press: Texas GOP adopts platform to outlaw abortion and to end LGBT rights.

JoeMyGod: Breitbart’s ‘Renegade Jew’ headline attacking William Kristol blows up twitter.

Raw Story: Franklin Graham says true Christians should be ‘willing to take a bullet’ for their ‘intolerant’ beliefs.

Los Angeles Times: Why Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s fate in civil rights case may hinge on a single word.

Asbury Park Press (NJ): Cops say suspected white supremacist may be linked to 1995 murder case.

Associated Press: Brothers who cited Trump’s speeches plead guilty to beating homeless Hispanic man.

Right Wing Watch: FRC’s Tony Perkins warns that Obama wants us to ‘surrender our children’ to transgender cause.

WPMI-TV (Mobile, AL): Ku Klux Klan recruitment flyers found in neighborhood cite fear of transgender people.

Talking Points Memo: Republican Florida Senate candidate calls President Obama an ‘animal,’ refuses to apologize for it.

Think Progress: American man rips hijab off a Muslim woman during flight, yells ‘This is America!’