• Hatewatch Headlines

Hatewatch Headlines 5/19/2016

Hatewatch Staff


How fascism comes to America; Kobach ordered to register thousands; Bush has praise for a hate group; and more.

The Washington Post: This is how fascism comes to America.

Talking Points Memo: Now a top Donald Trump surrogate says the border wall and mass deportation will be ‘virtual.’

Salon: Keeping the minorities down is the No. 1 issue for Trump’s bigoted base, and that’s a fact.

The Daily Beast: Dying Republican Sen. Bob Bennett apologizes to Muslims for Trump.

Right Wing Watch: Why has the religious right embraced neo-Confederate Michael Peroutka?

MSNBC: In a win for voting rights, court orders Kansas’ Kris Kobach to register thousands of voters kept off the rolls.

New York Times: George W. Bush has words of praise for World Congress of Families, a hate group to some.

DNAInfo (Chicago): Black judge tweaks hate-crime suspect: Bet you didn’t expect to see me here.

Lehigh Valley Live (PA): White man claims ‘sovereign citizen’ status as latest odd twist in murder of black man.

Raw Story: Wyoming men face possible hate-crime charges for pummeling black ex-Marine who objected to racial slurs.

Journal-Sentinel (Milwaukee): Custard stand’s English-only policy prompts call for federal investigation.

KIRO-TV (Seattle): Bellevue Unitarian church targeted for hate-crime attacks over ‘Black Lives Matter’ banner.

Think Progress: Two paragraphs that should convince everyone that transgender discrimination is wrong.