Trump lavishes praise on Putin; Oregon man makes racist threats against Obama; ‘Prepper’ had stockpile of weapons in his bunker; and more.
Right Wing Watch: Donald Trump praises Russia’s Vladimir Putin in interview with far-right conspiracy host.
Think Progress: KKK ‘Imperial Wizrd’ endorses Trump, won’t vote for Cruz because he was born in Canada.
Media Matters: CNN highlights how anti-Semitic Trump fans attack critical reporters.
The Oregonian: Medford man accused of threatening President Obama says he makes racist online threats to ‘blow off steam.’
St. Louis Post-Dispatch: Illinois man arrested in Missouri with bomb components spoke against Obama, for Hitler.
Tribune-Star (Terre Haute, IN): Antigovernment ‘Sovereign citizen’ murders wife, kills himself day after pleading guilty in traffic charges.
Salt Lake Tribune: University of Utah removes references to anti-LGBT groups from bio of honorary-degree recipient.
Huffington Post: This Islamophobic conspiracy theorist lectured police officers about Islamic extremism.