Dylann Roof faces death penalty; Trump fans want Kobach as running mate; Bundy prosecutors dealing with another death threat; and more.
New York Times: Death penalty will be sought for Dylann Roof in both trials for Charleston church massacre.
MSNBC: Far-right nativists eye Kansas’ Kris Kobach as the ideal running mate for Donald Trump.
Right Wing Watch: Trump plans to court anti-LGBT hate groups, ‘prophets’ and televangelists.
Talking Points Memo: Trump unites generations of white nationalists gathered for annual American Renaissance convetion.
Media Matters: MSNBC panel calls out Trump for pushing the ‘crazy vortex’ of Alex Jones, Matt Drudge, and conspiracy theories.
Oregon Public Broadcasting: Ammon Bundy considering civil rights lawsuit against Multnomah County over jail conditions.
Review-Journal (Las Vegas): Federal prosecutors say new death threat directed at them justifies secrecy in Cliven Bundy case.
Arizona Republic: Despite what the antigovernment movement preaches, hating the government isn’t patriotism.
Phoenix New Times: Minuteman cofounder Chris Simcox’s three daughters testify against him in child molestation trial.
The Texas Tribune: Chiropractor manages to defeat far-right conspiracy theorist in race for state education board.
Raw Story: 12-year-old boy brutally beaten at school in shocking hate-filled attack as kids shout, ‘Kill the Jew!’
Imagine 2050: Ex-FBI agent John Guandolo to provide anti-Muslim law enforcement training in Phoenix.