• Hatewatch Headlines

Hatewatch Headlines 5/25/2018

Hatewatch Staff


Trump taps CIS official to State post; Judge mulls Charlottesville lawsuit; Bitcoin is the radical right’s new obsession; and more.

Salt Lake Tribune: Trump taps key official of anti-immigrant hate group to be assistant Secretary of State.

BuzzFeed: A judge is considering dismissing a lawsuit against white supremacists for the deadly violence in Charlottesville.

Talking Points Memo: Richard Spencer manages to find an attorney to handle the Charlottesville lawsuit.

Observer: Why is the new radical right obsessed with Bitcoin?

Atlanta Journal-Constitution: What is an ‘incel’? A look inside the anti-women movement behind terror attacks.

Washington Post: How a child born more than 400 years ago became a symbol for white nationalism.

Right Wing Watch: Infowars hosted a white nationalist who is happy to cite the ‘14 words.’

Media Matters: ‘Proud Boys’ founder Gavin McInnes calls female journalists covering the alt-right vile names.

Colorado Public Radio: Prosecutors hope to send a message with convictions of Colorado ‘sovereign citizens’.

Las Vegas Sun: As Trump-fueled hate crimes flare, here’s how to help put out the flames.

Tampa Bay Times (FL): A white supremacist killed a black woman’s twin sister, so why did she forgive him?

Think Progress: Pardoned ex-sheriff Joe Arpaio may have just broken the law again.

Raw Story: California Republican says it’s OK not to sell homes to gay people – and it backfires immediately.

Mother Jones: Key Arizona Republican freaks out over ‘another generation of DACA-like people.’

AlterNet: ICE keeps gay many fleeing persecution in detainment for four months.

Montreal Gazette: Far-right group Atalante members storm offices of Vice News, attempt to intimidate journalists.