ADF alums serving at all levels of government; Trump’s Muslim ban blocked due to his own words; Radio talker wants Muslims eradicated everywhere; and more.
Media Matters: Alumni to anti-LGBT hate group Alliance Defending Freedom are serving in federal, state, and local governments.
Think Progress: A court just blocked Trump’s Muslim ban because he couldn’t keep his mouth shut.
Washington Post: A new GOP bill would make it virtually impossible to sue the police.
The Daily Beast: Red-state lynching rhetoric ramps up over Confederate monuments as Trump’s rhetoric creates permission for ugliness.
Right Wing Watch: Radio host Josh Bernstein opines that Muslims ‘need to be eradicated … pretty much from everywhere.’
Journal Sentinel (Milwaukee, WI): Extremist Sheriff David Clarke instructed staff to hassle airline passenger who argued with him.
The Intercept: Anti-Muslim conspiracy theorist Guandolo trained senior U.S. Marshals Service, National Guard members, documents show.
Reveal: An ancient Nordic religion is inspiring a modern white-supremacist jihad.
Missoula Current (MT): In letter, son of deputy’s killer speaks about his father’s violence and the danger of militias.
Times-Picayune (New Orleans, LA): New Orleans principal loses his job after wearing Nazi-associated rings in video.
KGMI-FM (Bellingham, WA): Washington ‘Proud Boys’ angrily deny that they’re white nationalists or inclined to violence.
Penn Live: Purported ‘Aryan Strikeforce’ leader to remain jailed until his trial, judge rules.
KATU-TV (Boise, ID): Driver with sovereign-citizen ‘Private’ plate in custody after refusing to cooperate during traffic stop.
BuzzFeed: Hungarian leader tells ‘pro-family’ gathering that babies are the ultimate weapon in the fight against immigration.
Mic: Neo-Nazis are making their own video games, and they’re just as horrifying as you would think.