Atomwaffen activists in military ranks too; AmRen white nationalists boast of youth gains; Facebook caves in to right-wing claims; and more.
ProPublica: Ranks of notorious hate group Atomwaffen Division include active-duty military.
Right Wing Watch: At AmRen 2018, white nationalists boast about grooming the next generation of racists.
Toronto Star: Treatment of Toronto van attacker was exemplary – of the racial disparity in law enforcement.
PBS: ‘No Man’s Land’: Documentary provides behind-the-scenes look at the Malheur Refuge takeover in 2016.
Texas Tribune: Hysteria over Jade Helm exercise in Texas was fueled by Russians, former CIA chief says.
Media Matters: Facebook caves in to debunked claims of right-wing censorship, hires all-right-wing panel.
Washington Post: Three black teens are finalists in a NASA competition – but hackers spewing racism tried to ruin their odds.
The Root: Alex Michael Ramos becomes second man convicted in Charlottesville garage beating.
Think Progress: Muslims reject violence more than other Americans, but are increasingly targets of discrimination.
Right Wing Watch: ADF is charging the right kind of churches to join its legal aid alliance.
CNN: HHS official who shared conspiracy theories and said ‘forefathers would have hung’ Obama is back at work.
Talking Points Memo: Roy Moore says he might run for Alabama governor.
BoingBoing: John Guandolo, disgraced ex-FBI agent and hate-speech star, is now training law enforcement in Texas.
AlterNet: Outlandish GOP Senate candidate launches racist attack on Mitch McConnell’s ‘China family.’
Raw Story: Racist lunch lady at a Texas charter school is fired after threatening to call ICE on custodial employee.