Right Wing Watch: Michael Savage warns listeners that Obama will arm the Crips and Bloods in the coming race war.
Omaha.com: Nebraska woman files suit in federal court against all homosexuals.
Sacramento Bee: California assembly passes legislation to ban the use of ‘Redskins’ as a team nickname.
WLS-TV (Chicago): Hutaree Militia members lose their final battle in appeal over lawsuit stemming from FBI probe.
DiversityInc: New polling finds white Americans’ attitudes about race are rapidly shifting.
KDVR-TV (Denver): Prom photo with Confederate flags and guns stirs controversy in small Colorado town.
CNN: Larry Klayman heads to court for yet another round in Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s lawsuit against Obama immigration action.
Ars Technica: Failed Christian shoe promoter tries his hand at selling anti-LGBT first-person shooter game.