• Hatewatch Headlines

Hatewatch Headlines 5/7/15

Hatewatch Staff

Nathaniel Williams

Media Matters: Fox’s Sean Hannity provides a platform for two extremists – Pamela Gellar and Anjem Choudary – to debate.

WTVD-TV (Chapel Hill, NC): Students upset that fellow high-schoolers posted Instagram shot featuring Confederate flag.

Raw Story: Cell phone video captures vicious LGBT-bashing assault of gay couple in New York eatery.

Talking Points Memo: Ben Carson theorizes that the president wouldn’t have to follow Supreme Court ruling on gay marriage.

AlterNet: Garland, Texas, is a hotbed for anti-Muslim bigotry.

San Bernardino Sun (CA): Rialto grandfather dies from baseball-bat attack in apparent black-on-white hate crime.

Right Wing Watch: AFA’s Bryan Fischer demands that Town Hall editor step down after revelation that he’s gay.

FiveThirtyEight: A small handful of people run the majority of anti-Muslim groups in the U.S.