• Hatewatch Headlines

Hatewatch Headlines 5/9/2017

Hatewatch Staff


American alt-right didn’t help LePen; Judge keeps asking about Trump’s ‘Muslim ban’ promises; New Orleans mayor defiant in face of threats; and more.

NPR: The American alt-right turns out to have had an effect on the French election, but it wasn’t a positive one for LePen.

Washington Post: Judge reviewing travel ban repeatedly asks Trump’s lawyers about his campaign promises.

Raw Story: Trump team quickly scrubs call for a ban on Muslims from campaign site after a reporter asks about it.

Huffington Post: New Orleans mayor declares death threats won’t prevent removal of Confederate monuments.

Salon: Pepe the Frog’s creator decides to kill his character off rather than surrender to the alt-right’s hijacking.

Right Wing Watch: Alex Jones’s ex-wife says she’s ‘shocked that Alex has any viewers left at all.’

BuzzFeed: Daily Stormer’s Anglin leads another ‘troll storm,’ now targeting American University student leader.

PennLive (PA): Purported vice-president of six-man ‘Aryan Strikeforce’ terrorist team arrested at his home.

Think Progress: Mississippi’s richest county uses police checkpoints to enforce segregation, lawsuit claims.

Daily Chronicle (Bozeman, MT): Anti-Semitic ‘white genocide’ flyer show up on neighborhood doorsteps.

KEVN-TV (Rapid City, SD): South Dakota lawmaker wants investigation of polygamous FLDS compound.

Media Matters: Here’s how the media did, and didn’t, cover hate groups last week.

Talking Points Memo: A look at state actions on ‘sanctuary cities’ so far in 2017.