Domestic extremists atop the threat list; Bundy wants to have his guns in jail; Utah sheriffs threaten to arrest federal rangers; and more.
The Conversation: In America, domestic extremists are a bigger threat than foreign terrorism.
Wonkette: Ryan Bundy doesn’t understand why he can’t have his guns in jail.
NPR: ‘Constitutionalist’ Utah sheriffs threaten to arrest federal rangers if they try to close access to public lands.
Right Wing Watch: Larry Pratt warns that if conservatives lose the Supreme Court, we may ‘have to resort to the bullet box.’
Think Progress: Donald Trump rejects the Hitler comparisons, but humbly suggests a few of his own.
The New Civil Rights Movement: Dallas police partner with anti-LGBT megachurch pastor amid string of unsolved anti-gay hate crimes.
Salon: Bill O’Reilly’s latest racial bloviating with tales of black thuggery is stuff he’s just making up.
Talking Points Memo: White nationalist dumped as Trump delegate begs to go to RNC as a volunteer.
CBS 11 (Dallas/Fort Worth, TX): Five students arrested for ‘senior prank’ involving racist graffiti at Arlington school.
WPIX-TV (Burlington, VT): Transgender man dies after brutal attack at homeless encampment.
Los Angeles Times: Confederate flags have no business flying over our national cemeteries.
Raw Story: White supremacists want everyone to see the ‘Angry Birds’ movie, for the dumbest reason imaginable.