• Hatewatch Headlines

Hatewatch Headlines 6/14/2018

Hatewatch Staff


Google Plus a new haven for racists; Alt-right’s demise has been exaggerated; Confederacy defender is GOP Senate nominee in VA; and more.

The Hill: White nationalists and Nazis find a new space for their racism on Google Plus.

The Outline: How alt-right Twitter tricks the media into panicking about its spread.

Huffington Post: Reports of the alt-right’s demise have been greatly exaggerated.

Racked: Why Alex Jones, Mike Cernovich, and Joe Rogan are selling skin care treatments.

New York Times: First they came for the migrants.

The Intercept: Trump’s ‘zero tolerance’ policy won’t stop border crossings, but it might break the courts.

Talking Points Memo: Republican leaders silent a full day after a congressman retweeted a neo-Nazi.

CNN: Corey Stewart, defender of the Confederacy, wins GOP nomination for Senate seat in Virginia.

Think Progress: Trump just endorsed a racist candidate for the U.S. Senate.

Fairbanks News-Miner (AK): U.S. Supreme Court declines to take up militiaman Schaefer Cox’s appeal.

Washington Post: He threatened a Muslim family planning to move in next door. Now he’s going to prison.

Right Wing Watch: Gavin McInnes brags about a fight over dog poop with a man who looked ‘kind of Hispanic.’

Media Matters: Fox & Friends makes false claims about immigration to link immigrants to violent MS-13 gang.

Migration Policy Institute: The expected public charge rule and its chilling impact on legal immigrant families’ public benefits use.

Snopes: No, Democrats did not draw up legislation making it a hate crime to eat at Chick-Fil-A.

Salon: Roseanne Barr ‘sincerely’ apologizes to George Soros for alleging that he was a Nazi collaborator.

Raw Story: Arizona GOP candidate goes on racist rant over the lack of white kids in state’s schools.

Mother Jones: Black people are more likely than whites to die of heart disease. Here’s one reason why.