Is it white extinction anxiety? ‘Pro-family’ groups muted about border separations; Kobach’s ‘voter fraud’ legal defeat was sweeping; and more.
New York Times: White Americans are experiencing extinction anxiety.
History News Network: When immigrants become ‘animals’ who ‘infest our country,’ we permit terrible things.
Media Matters: CNN anchor bristles at calling White House adviser Stephen Miller a white nationalist, citing ‘civility.’
Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting: Washington Post can’t believe white supremacist candidate really means it.
Associated Press: So-called ‘pro-family’ groups have a muted reaction to family-separation controversy.
Pacific Standard: Inside the epic defeat of Kris Kobach’s legal argument for voter fraud.
The Verge: A meteorite hunter’s obsession takes him to the Bundy ranch and eventually to jail.
Think Progress: This infamous white supremacist doesn’t want you to know who his lawyer is.
Overland: A brief (fascist) history of the phrase, ‘I Don’t Care.’
Right Wing Watch: Rick Wiles warns that leftists ‘will carry out targeted killings of Republicans’ as warmup to civil war.
Star-Telegram (Ft. Worth, TX): Flags wave, people protest at Dallas megachurch’s ‘America is a Christian Nation’ sermon.
Mainichi (Japan): Neo-Nazis thriving in Trump’s America amid lack of hate-speech laws.
Louisville Courier-Journal (KY): White nationalist who shoved woman at Trump rally released from jail.
Knoxville News Sentinel (TN): Knoxville Pride parade marred by assault, hate crime charge for self-described white nationalist.
Huffington Post: National Guardsman to be punished for saying immigrants are ‘lucky we aren’t executing them.’
New York Daily News: Boston school superintendent resigns after allegedly providing student information to ICE.
Boston Globe (MA): Antisemitic slur and swastika found on wall at Reading middle school.
KAAL-TV (Rochester, MN): Possible hate crime at Rochester mosque leads members to ask for investigation.
Review-Journal (Las Vegas, NV): Five men charged in anti-LGBT hate-crime assault at Vegas hotel.