Judge halts family separations at border; Far-right voices froth about a civil war; Heimbach says he’s done with politics for good; and more.
New York Times: Federal judge in California halts splitting of migrant families at the border.
Talking Points Memo: Second court prepared to move in if Trump admin doesn’t reunite immigrant families.
Politico: Stephen Miller is roiling the nation with his back-channel machinations on immigration.
Think Progress: Far-right voices are frothing about a looming civil war.
Media Matters: NRA TV host calls for jailing students protesting Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.
Talking Points Memo: Freed from jail, notorious white nationalist Heimbach says he now has no interest in politics.
The Conversation: Students rely on alt-right internet sites as credible sources for their research papers.
Right Wing Watch: On the anniversary of Obergfell, anti-LGBT activists demand public officials defy the Supreme Court.
Pacific Standard: Inside the ‘Occupy ICE’ movement sweeping the nation with protests at centers.
Raw Story: Two black Nevada teens win racial harassment lawsuit against their high school.
Fox-26 TV (Houston, TX): Antigovernment flyers laced with Fentanyl placed on patrol vehicles.
San Francisco Chronicle: Black firefighter on inspection duty in Oakland hills gets videotaped, reported to police.
Loyola Maroon (New Orleans, LA): Westboro Baptist to protest university because of its LGBT acceptance policies.
NewNowNext: In Australia, neo-Nazis hang ‘Happy AIDS Day’ flyers around Melbourne streets.
Belling Cat: A ‘straight-edge’ neo-Nazi group was responsible for attack on Roma camp in Ukraine.
Daily Beast: Nazi sympathizers are pushing to take over Europe’s spy agencies and security apparatus.