Colorful Jewish-themed mini-bus fire-bombed in Brooklyn; President Trump’s far-right media contacts; over 100 federal agencies fail to report hate crimes; and more.
Washington Post: Boston man arrested after smashing glass panel at New England Holocaust Memorial.
Associated Press: Liberty Counsel files suit in Virginia against GuideStar for listing it as a hate group.
WREG-TV (Memphis, Tennessee): Gay Tennessee teenager attacked by six youths yelling homophobic slurs.
New York Post: Brooklyn kids “devastated” after colorful Jewish-themed mini-bus firebombed in suspected hate crime.
Media Matters: President Trump is “on the phone a lot” with nine “right-wing media and fringe figures,” including Alex Jones.
Mother Jones: More than 100 federal agencies fail to report hate crimes to the FBI.
Talking Points Memo: Attorney General Jeff Sessions absent when Justice Department employees honor transgender teen.
WBIR-TV (Knoxville, Tennessee): Aryan Nations affiliate Billy Ray Hill up for parole after doing three years of a 24-year stint for murdering his mother.
Right Wing Watch: Religious Right radio host claims white liberals far more racist than any neo-Nazi skinhead or KKK member.