Sen. Merkley says detained children are in cages; Fear of minority status fuels welfare hostility; Alt-right is manipulating Disqus; and more.
Talking Points Memo: U.S. Sen. Jeff Merkley says he saw children in cages on concrete floors in detention facility.
Vox: The new U.S. policy of separating immigrant children from their families has chilling historical echoes.
Media Matters: Defending ICE’s family-separation practices, McInnes says ‘women don’t really belong in law enforcement.’
Pacific Standard: Fear of their coming minority status drives white opposition to welfare.
BuzzFeed: How the alt-right manipulates the internet’s biggest commenting platform, Disqus.
Tampa Bay Times (FL): How to spot a neo-Nazi in the military? Brandon Russell case shows how hard it can be.
Reveal News: The alt-right is down, but not out.
Right Wing Watch: Right-wing pundits say media are lying about a ‘narrow’ Supreme Court ruling.
Texas Observer: ‘Jihadi circuses’: The anti-Muslim police training in San Angelo was worse than we thought.
Mother Jones: Driving while black has gotten worse, as some stark data from Missouri reveals.
Angry White Men: Anti-transgender activist Walt Heyer discusses ‘sex change regret’ with Christopher Cantwell.
Raw Story: Black teenager sentenced to five years in prison over theft of $100 sneakers.
WBIW-TV (Bedford, IN): Man claiming to be member of Aryan Nations arrested after assault at taco truck in Bloomington.
Restoring the Honor: A membership list of the ‘Proud Goys’ Facebook page was captured just before ‘Unite the Right.’
Think Progress: Germany wants the new U.S. ambassador to ‘explain what he meant’ about empowering the far right.
Moscow Times: Vigilante Cossacks vow to report any same-sex kissing they see during World Cup to police.