Talking Points Memo: Hundreds of civilians plan to monitor what they fear will be a military takeover of Texas.
Right Wing Watch: AFA’s Tony Perkins says we should stop saying ‘God Bless America’ after marriage equality ruling.
USA Today: Cincinnati police chief pursues hate crime charges in beating of white man.
Wisconsin State Journal: Man with ‘antigovernment’ views, mental issues intended to assassinate Obama with slingshot and ball bearings.
Wonkette: ‘Fitness and Liberty’ gun lovers hawking rainbow flags to use as targets.
Commercial Appeal (Memphis, TN): Alleged white supremacist faces weapons-possession charges.
Media Matters: Rush Limbaugh attacks civil rights legend John Lewis for ‘living in the past’ by celebrating removal of Confederate flag.
Associated Press: South Carolina’s Confederate flag is gone, but the symbol remains woven into many other displays.