Trump gives new life to aging white racism; GOP platform the same as Perkins’; Wiles warns of Pokemon Go’s satanic side; and more.
The New York Times: For whites sensing decline, Donald Trump unleashes words of resistance.
Talking Points Memo: Trump has emerged unquestionably as a propagator of race hatred and violence.
The National Memo: Meet the dangerous crowd Trump is bringing to Cleveland for the GOP convention.
Media Matters: Republicans have the same platform as Tony Perkins, the head of a hate group, NYT reporter notes.
Raw Story: The GOP platform committee is loaded with anti-LGBT loons, including one who says gay sex kills more than smoking.
Vice: The ‘alt-right’ and its fear of a black planet.
Right Wing Watch: ‘Trunews’ host Rick Wiles warns that Satan is using Pokemon Go to spawn ‘demonic powers’ and murder Christians.
AlterNet: Five times Fox’s Bill O’Reilly has said nakedly racist things while claiming he isn’t racist.
Tech Insider: A neo-Nazi decided to target me on the Internet, and here’s how I dealt with it.
Think Progress: The anti-choice movement is trying to hijack Black Lives Matter to push its own agenda.
Spokesman-Review (Spokane, WA): India-born victim in small-town assault says family was targeted for its skin color.
WVTR-TV (Alexandria, VA): Third man sentenced to seven years in prison for plotting a white-supremacist attack on black churches.
The Daily Beast: Oregon’s white-supremacist Gypsy Jokers biker gang suspected in torture slaying.