• Hatewatch Headlines

Hatewatch Headlines 7/20/2016

Hatewatch Staff


VDare tweet featured at GOP convention; Militiamen patrol city with long rifles; Twitter suspends Milo for harassment; and more.

Talking Points Memo: GOP convention spotlights tweet from white nationalists at VDare.

Vice: This militia group walked around the Republican convention with AR-15s, AK-47s, and G3s.

Salon: Alex Jones and the fringe right get their Cleveland spotlight at the conspiracy convention.

Think Progress: Fringe conspiracy theorists descend on Cleveland, energized by Trump.

Raw Story: Iowa Rep. Steve King doubles down on his remarks about whites and civilization.

Right Wing Watch: David Duke inspired by Trump to run for Congress to stop ‘ethnic cleansing’ of white people.

BuzzFeed: Twitter permanently suspends Alt-Right writer Milo Yiannopoulos after harassing ‘Ghostbusters’ actress.

Access ADL: Extremist-related shootouts with police occurring at an alarming rate in 2016.

OC Weekly (Anaheim, CA): An incomplete, embarrassing timeline of anti-black moments in Orange County.

WECT-TV (Wilmington, NC): Black man finds Ku Klux Klan flyer in yard, but it’s unclear whether it’s a hate crime.

The Anniston Star (AL): Trial begins for Alabama antigovernment ‘sovereign citizen’ charged with extortion, attempted theft.

Media Matters: Fox Business News interviews hate-group leader with past ties to white supremacists to discuss Baton Rouge.

The Advocate: Baton Rouge shooter Gavin Long’s online posts had lately turned to talk of ‘revolution.’