• Hatewatch Headlines

Hatewatch Headlines 7/25/2018

Hatewatch Staff


Kessler’s anniversary plans fold up in court; Infowars host friendly to white nationalists; Twitter freaks out the far right with its filters; and more.

Daily Progress (Charlottesville, VA): Jason Kessler withdraws injunction request to hold anniversary rally.

Right Wing Watch: Freshman Infowars host keeps booking white nationalists and they sound just like him.

Daily Beast: The far right freaks out because Twitter is filtering out their hate.

ADL: When women are the enemy: The intersection of misogyny and white supremacy.

Scientific American: Social media’s stepped-up crackdown on terrorists still falls short.

Mother Jones: Brian Kemp, who threatened to personally deport undocumented immigrants, wins GOP race in Georgia.

LGBTQ Nation: The State Department is holding a summit on the religious right’s agenda.

Media Matters: A senior Sinclair executive donated to the Senate campaign of disgraced racist Joe Arpaio.

Right Wing Watch: Brigitte Gabriel denounces ‘wave of Third World immigration’ in book from Charisma.

Huffington Post: Inside ‘incels’ and their lookmaxing obsession: Penis stretching, skull implants and rage.

We Hunted the Mammoth: Incels celebrate the death of a 10-year-old girl in Toronto mass shooting.

Vox: Dan Harmon is the latest Hollywood figure targeted by a deep-diving alt-right crusade.

New York Times: A family history that includes Klan leadership haunts the Colorado candidacy of a would-be governor.

Raw Story: Neo-Nazi ventriloquist who went on a racist Starbucks rampage in Illinois says he’s not racist.

Talking Points Memo: Judge orders release of immigrant pizza-delivery driver who was detained at Army base.

AlterNet: Wealthy white teenager who drove getaway car for gang murder of innocent black man walks free.