Yahoo News: How CofCC’s Earl Holt tapped into a Jewish family fortune to finance his white-supremacist organization.
Politico: A majority of Americans believe the Confederate flag is a symbol of regional pride, not racism.
Alabama News: NASCAR seeks to ban Confederate flags on cars racing in their events.
Raw Story: Militia goons mock combat veterans for displaying ‘f—— ass yard signs’ seeking fireworks courtesy.
Right Wing Watch: Michael Savage warns that gays want to throw pastors in jail first, then into the Coliseum.
Associated Press: Montana man inspired by Supreme Court same-sex marriage ruling applies for a polygamous second license.
The Daily Beast: Cleveland police officer comes under fire from Islamic groups for series of anti-Muslim tweets.
Reuters: Idaho refugee center is targeted by right-wing campaign to shutter operation over fears about ISIS extremists.
Washington Post: Why do people persist in believing long-debunked myths about the Confederacy?