• Hatewatch

Hatewatch Headlines 7/7/2017

Hatewatch Staff


Trump skips visit to Warsaw Ghetto; Alt-Right factionalism; Alex Jones’ newest conspiracy theory; and more.

Washington Post: Trump skips visit to Warsaw Ghetto, first POTUS to do so since fall of Communism.

Philly Voice: White nationalist flyers show up at Drexel University in Philadelphia.

New Yorker: Alt-Right splitting in two?

The Advocate (Baton Rouge): Seven arrested at New Black Panther Party demonstration marking anniversary of the police shooting of Alton Sterling.

Harpers: Terrorist attack could lead to irreversible descent into autocracy.

Right Wing Watch: Justice Foundation president says God helped elect Trump.

Austin Chronicle: Pro-Trump rally includes Alt-Knights, Proud Boys and III Percenters with speeches calling for “armed rebellion.”

Media Matters: Alex Jones’ new conspiracy theory: pig-gorilla-human hybrids.

Think Progress: Urban Institute study shows housing discrimination against LGBTQ a very real phenomenon.

Raw Story: New York police officer suspended for allegedly encouraging her two year-old niece to say the “n-word.”