• Hatewatch Headlines

Hatewatch Headlines 7/8/15

Hatewatch Staff

Right Wing Watch: Oath Keepers’ Stewart Rhodes warns that government is planning to unleash ISIS attacks and race war, impose martial law.

The Trace: Guns are now the weapons of choice for white supremacists.

Raw Story: How the League of the South’s white supremacist leader became the go-to expert on defending the Confederate flag.

Arizona Republic: Ex-Minuteman leader Chris Simcox defends his desire to cross-examine young victims in child molestation trial.

Salon: How the plague of angry white men with guns was fueled by the toxic culture of white nationalism.

Talking Points Memo: Protesters at Arizona Wal-Mart clash over Confederate flag.

Miami Herald: Infamous Internet hatemonger Don Black has an unlikely suburban South Florida address.