• Hatewatch Headlines

Hatewatch Headlines 8/14/2018

Hatewatch Staff


The futile quest to quantify the alt-right; Tucker claims white supremacy’s not a crisis; John Legend takes on unjust Louisiana court rules; and more.

Wired: How big is the alt-right? Inside my futile quest to count.

Daily Intelligencer: A new study says 24 million Americans have alt-right beliefs. What does that number even mean?

Right Wing Watch: ‘Unite the Right’ was a neo-Nazi hangout, not a ‘white civil rights’ rally.

Washington Post: Inside Jason Kessler’s rise as an ‘avatar of hate’ on the alt-right scene.

Media Matters: Tucker Carlson claims ‘white supremacy is not ubiquitous in America, it’s not even a crisis.’

Salon: Unite the Right 2 was a failure, but American fascism is not dead by any means.

Mediaite: Lou Dobbs refers to Unite the Right rally-goers as ‘so-called white supremacists’ while blasting antifascists.

Raw Story: Neo-Nazi website Daily Stormer confesses ‘I don’t even know’ what went wrong with Unite the Right 2.

Politico: Stephen Miller is an immigration hypocrite. I know, because I am his uncle.

Business Insider: Vimeo just decided to remove video content from Infowars conspiracy theorist Alex Jones.

Raw Story: Singer John Legend’s latest crusade is ending unjust Louisiana court rules rooted in white supremacy.

Vice: White man who shot and killed a black father in Florida over a parking spot has been charged after all.

Quad Cities Times (Davenport, IA): Lawyer says man distributing white-supremacist literature shouldn’t have had police stop.

Brattleboro Reformer (VT): Will ‘Iron Militia’ biker club take over a venerable tavern in town of Vernon?

Think Progress: Swedish neo-Nazi arrested, charged with plotting the assassinations of two journalists.