• Hatewatch Headlines

Hatewatch Headlines 8/15/2018

Hatewatch Staff


Jones tells followers to ready ‘battle rifles’; Neo-Nazis still raising funds via tech firms; White supremacist movement is in disarray; and more.

Media Matters: On Periscope, Alex Jones tells supporters to get ‘battle rifles’ ready against ‘antifa,’ media, and Chinese.

Huffington Post: Tech companies promised to stop helping neo-Nazis raise money. They haven’t.

New York Times: A year after Charlottesville, white supremacist movement is largely in disarray.

National Public Radio: How the media cover white supremacists: Does it hurt or does it help them?

Common Dreams: Trump ally Roger Stone deletes tweet showing administration ‘Space Force’ with Nazi-esque patches.

Right Wing Watch: Liberty Counsel claims victory somehow in Scott Lively’s embarrassing defeat in MA primary.

AlterNet: These five race-baiting and hypocritical right-wingers complain about the ‘race card’ while playing it themselves.

DCist (Washington, DC): Crystal City Hyatt will host anti-Muslim hate group’s annual conference.

Kansas City Star (MO): ‘A good sharp knife will do the job’: In small Oklahoma town, adults threaten transgender girl.

Think Progress: ICE agents set a trap for immigrants seeking legal residency.

Daily Kos: So the right wing has finally discovered a pack of hate-mongers – at CNN.

Raw Story: Gun activist profiled by Fox News now accused of hate crime for threatening black woman.

Register-Guard (Eugene, OR): Video released showing white Springfield man unleash angry racial tirade on Latinos.