• Hatewatch Headlines

Hatewatch Headlines 8/25/2016

Hatewatch Staff


Trump plans to counter view that he’s racist; Judges challenges Kobach plans; ‘Whites only’ rules still rule in California town; and more.

Washington Post: Inside Donald Trump’s new strategy to counter the view of many that he is ‘racist.’

Talking Points Memo: Ann Coulter goes to war with Trump just as her new book extolling him hits the stands.

The Spectator (UK): In shacking up with the alt-right, Trump may be empowering a movement he doesn’t understand.

Media Matters: On CNN, a Trump supporter says Clinton is a bigot because her surrogates call Trump a racist.

Think Progress: Judges challenge Kansas’ Kris Kobach’s attempts to keep 50,000 people from voting.

Right Wing Watch: Phyllis Schlafly is angry about non-English resources for survivors of Louisiana flooding.

Daily Kos: Sen. Mark Kirk says President Obama is behaving like ‘the drug dealer in chief.’

CNN: Georgia’s Newton County fighting attempts to build mosque, Muslim cemetery.

Salon: Harassment targeting ‘Ghostbusters’ star Leslie Jones exposes the ugliness driving the ‘alt right.’

Raw Story: New residents stunned to find out their cute California community still has ‘whites only’ ownership rules.

Atlanta Journal Constitution: Man who poured boiling water on gay couple sentenced to 40 years in prison.