Racial politics may be Trump’s legacy; Congressman deluged with hate calls; Oregon sheriff seems to make his own laws; and more.
The Guardian: Donald Trump’s legacy threatens to be the return of race politics to America’s mainstream.
Christian Science Monitor: Trump voters respond to ‘alt right’ allegations, claim it’s all unfair.
Mother Jones: How Donald Trump won over Europe’s far-right xenophobes.
Raw Story: Clinton jab provokes white nationalist leader to retort that he’s not a supremacist, since he thinks Asians are superior.
Carbonated: The Internet attacks Trump’s neo-Nazi trolls with #AltRightMeans.
Essence: Black congressman targeted with racially offensive calls in the wake of DCCC email hack revelations.
WMUR-TV (Salem, MA): Explosive placed inside of distribution box for LGBT newspaper, case investigated as hate crime.
The Oregonian: Constitutionalist sheriff Glenn Palmer makes his own rules in Oregon’s Grant County.
Fusion: Georgia pastor who said Orlando victims ‘got what they deserved’ arrested for child molestation.
WRIC-TV (Richmond, VA): Recruitment flyers for Heimbach’s white nationalist group appear on Virginia Commonwealth campus.
Washington Post: The tragic case of a child who was forced to kill his abusive, neo-Nazi father.
KPBS News (San Diego, CA): Anti-terrorism training by anti-Muslim group attended by San Diego sheriff’s deputies draws criticism.
Think Progress: Maine’s Gov. Paul LePage says people of color are ‘the enemy,’ implies they should be shot.