• Hatewatch Headlines

Hatewatch Headlines 8/29/2017

Hatewatch Staff


Stormfront’s web domain gets suspended; Leaked chats show violence planned in Charlottesville; Faith leaders descend on DC to voice protest; and more.

Salon: Stormfront, the Internet’s oldest major white-supremacist website, has its domain suspended.

Washington Post: Three men charged in Charlottesville attack on counterprotesters, one with KKK ties.

Talking Points Memo: Leaked chats show white nationalists planned use of brutal force in Charlottesville.

Think Progress: Thousands of faith leaders descend on Washington to condemn racism and Trump.

The Way of Improvement: An open letter from Christian scholars on racism in America.

Business Insider: A former white supremacist has a potentially unpopular message for how to stop far-right movements.

Denver Post: Man claims he was stabbed for looking like a neo-Nazi, but now police say he stabbed himself.

Independent (UK): Hurricane Harvey destroys home of hate-group leader Tony Perkins.

Los Angeles Times: Sheriff Joe and Donald Trump are emblems of racism and lawlessness.

AlterNet: Trump’s Arpaio pardon sends a clear signal to America’s most racist, sadistic police.

Morning Sun (Alma, MI): Black Creek gun club claims local militia organization has taken it over.

Right Wing Watch: FRC’s Bryan Fischer says ‘it’s time to have the LGBT flag banned right alongside the Confederate flag.’

Mother Jones: Once again, a federal court finds the Texas political redistricting map discriminated against minorities.

Oregonian: Malheur refuge occupier Jason Blomgren sentenced to two years’ probation.

Raw Story: New book explores how white supremacists are using the Bible to justify racism, anti-Semitism and slavery.

Education Post: I was a racist white educator, and didn’t even recognize it.