• Hatewatch Headlines

Hatewatch Headlines 8/5/2016

Hatewatch Staff


Trump’s toxic legacy will live on past Election Day; Whites waking up to realities of racism; Roof assaulted in Charleston jail; and more.

Foreign Policy: Even if Donald Trump loses in November, his toxic legacy of reviving white nationalism will live on.

Crooks and Liars: Protesters hold up pocket Constitutions at Trump rally, are jeered with chants of ‘USA! USA!’

Washington Post: Why some whites are waking up to the realities of modern-day racism in America.

Right Wing Watch: John Birch Society continues its comeback from the fringe with Values Voters Summit sponsorship.

Post and Courier (Charleston, SC): Dylann Roof assaulted in county jail, sheriff cites officer complacency.

Grand Junction Sentinel (CO): Latino woman’s video of white woman’s verbal assault on her ‘w——’ family goes viral.

Raw Story: Paul Ryan’s pro-Trump challenger says it’s time to consider deporting every Muslim, including citizens.

KPCC-FM (Pasadena, CA): Reported anti-LGBT hate crimes increasing in Orange County.

Associated Press: Federal judge plans three days for jury selection in Malheur militiamen’s September trial.

Media Matters: NRA ‘highly recommends’ racist newsletter that frequently defended slavery.

KSNT-TV (Wichita, KS): Petition demanding investigation of Kris Kobach’s handling of voter registration ruled valid.