The media’s birther blind spot grows; Oregon judge hung Hitler portrait; Why the ‘War on Cops’ is bunk; and more.
Talking Points Memo: Donald Trump’s father may have had a Klan connection back in 1927.
Media Matters: Treatment of Donald Trump exposes the media’s increasingly large birther blind spot.
Right Wing Watch: Family Research Council’s Tony Perkins’ breathtakingly bad defense of Kim Davis.
Forward: Oregon judge who refused to perform same-sex marriages also hung Hitler portrait in courthouse.
Crooks and Liars: Wallbuilders founder David Barton takes over Ted Cruz’s super PAC.
Salon: Trump and Cruz lead paranoia brigade of right-wing extremists in anti-Iran treaty rally.
Think Progress: A single graphic can expose the claims of a ‘War on Cops’ as bunk.
Raw Story: Homophobic Tennessee pastor now hawking ‘No Gays Allowed’ merchandise.