• Hatewatch Headlines

Hatewatch Headlines 9/13/2017

Hatewatch Staff


White House not on board with anti-supremacist resolution; Arpaio part of antigovernment movement; Survivor recalls Charleston rampage; and more.

Think Progress: White House won’t commit to signing congressional resolution condemning white supremacists.

Rolling Stone: Trump’s favorite sheriff is part of a growing extremist antigovernment movement.

New York Times: In powerful interview, Felecia Sanders recalls surviving Dylann Roof’s rampage in a Charleston church.

Talking Points Memo: Kobach catches flak from fellow voter-fraud commissioners over his false claims.

Right Wing Watch: Brigitte Gabriel claims 90 percent of mosques teach radical ideology to destroy America.

Independent (UK): Make no mistake about it, the alt-right is a cult, and this is how it appeals to people.

AlterNet: Ten destructive and deluded women who help prop up the alt-right.

Media Matters: Extremist radio host Michael Savage, once one of Trump’s most ardent backers, loses faith.

Salon: How Christian supremacist Roy Moore has gone from being a pariah to a far-right hero in Alabama.

The Root: New Hampshire police refuse to release information in case of 8-year-old biracial boy who was nearly lynched.

Raw Story: Infowars hero who turned his dog into a Nazi is now on trial for committing hate crime.

Argus Leader (Sioux Falls, SD): White-nationalist Vanguard America posters show up on walls, poles in Sioux Falls.

KIRO-TV (Seattle, WA): Schuyler Barbeau’s online radicalization case reveals a hidden dimension of terrorism.

Political Research Associates: Joey Gibson and Patriot Prayer have become the Westboro Baptist Church of the alt-right.

Media Matters: Fringe media are furiously trying to absolve the white nationalist who allegedly killed Heather Heyer.