• Hatewatch Headlines

Hatewatch Headlines 9/20/2018

Hatewatch Staff


Pence to speak to FRC’s ‘Values Voters’; Trump’s lies more frequent and dangerous; Manhunt under way for 3-D gun activist; and more.

Right Wing Watch: Mike Pence now scheduled to speak at FRC’s annual ‘Values Voters Summit.’

Mother Jones: Trump’s lies have become far more frequent – and far more dangerous.

Yahoo News: With more immigrant children in detention, HHS cuts funds for other programs, like cancer research.

Vice: There’s an international manhunt under way for Cody Wilson, distributor of 3-D printed handgun, in child-sex case.

Daily Beast: Lawyer for Proud Boys arrested for allegedly faking theft of guns, cameras.

Colorado Times Recorder (Denver): Hate group rally at Capitol features Colorado GOP speakers and Stapleton Super PAC.

Media Matters: A pro-Trump troll started a viral hoax about Christine Blasey Ford, and Rush Limbaugh ran with it.

Salon: Arguing with Roger Stone about the meaning of the ‘OK’ hand signal.

Pacific Standard: Racism and its role in school closings on Chicago’s South Side.

TC Palm (Palm Beach, FL): Florida congressman was also an attendee at Horowitz’s extremist conferences.

Raw Story: Colorado Democratic candidate says she was shot at while sitting in her truck.

Oregonian: Portland protester who says flash-bang grenade split his skull plans to sue police.

Texas Tribune (Austin): Accused Border Patrol serial killer’s victims included a transgender woman.

Daily Pennsylvanian (Philadelphia): Attorney steps down from representing white nationalist accused of killing gay man.

Atlanta Journal-Constitution: Alleged Nuwaubian cult member pleads guilty to starving toddler to death.

The Michigan Daily (Ann Arbor): Remembering John Tanton, the nativist next door.

Washington Post: A scion of France’s Le Pen family opens a training academy for a new far-right elite.

Reuters: Steve Bannon drafting curriculum for right-wing Catholic institute in Italy.