Trump’s immigration plan is pure white nationalism; Nationalists using social media readily; FLDS leader Lyle Jeffs’ lawyer says he may have been raptured up; and more.
Huffington Post: Donald Trump embeds a white nationalist proposal inside his immigration plan, and no one notices.
Talking Points Memo: Why can’t or won’t press describe Trump’s tirades as the hate speech it is?
The New York Times: The pariahs who are lining up behind Donald Trump – such as terrorists, dictators, and Klansmen.
Reuters: White nationalists use Twitter with ‘relative impunity,’ study of extremists’ social media use finds.
IREHR: Armed ‘White Lives Matter’ group’s protest outside Houston NAACP offices part of intensified hate trends.
Tablet: Where’s the hate? It’s here, there, and everywhere.
The Daily Gazette (Swarthmore College, PA): A response to yesterday’s anti-Semitic hate crime from a ‘whiny brat Jew.’
BuzzFeed: Someone made a guide for what to do when you see Islamophobia, and it’s perfect.
Philly Voice: Photos surface of a Philadelphia police officer with a Nazi tattoo, other ties alleged.
Raw Story: White ESPN commentator insists that the United States does not oppress black people.
WPRI-TV (Providence, RI): Racial propaganda flyers promoting #WhiteLivesMatter left outside East Greenwich homes.
Washington Post: Fugitive polygamist Lyle Jeffs may have been swept away in the Rapture, his attorney says.