• Hatewatch Headlines

Hatewatch Headlines 9/23/14

Hatewatch Staff

Student artist works on mural wall

IREHR: Tea Party Patriots planning a nativist October Surprise with fear mongering campaign on immigration.

Right Wing Watch: Look who’s attending the GOP’s hate summit, aka the 2014 Value Voters gathering.

KDKA-TV (Pittsburgh): Carrick residents upset to find Ku Klux Klan flyers left on their parked cars.

DiversityInc: Vice President Biden manages to offend Jews, Asians on same day with ethnic slurs.

Joplin (MO) Globe: Member of alleged white supremacist gang charged with killing fellow member, shooting another.

OnIslam: Islamophobia, in the form of possible exclusion, threatens Muslim boxer’s dreams.

St. George (UT) News: Former members who have fled Warren Jeffs’ FLDS cult say they face retaliation from local law enforcement.