• Hatewatch Headlines

Hatewatch Headlines 9/24/14

Hatewatch Staff

Students work on mural wall

Salon: Militias threatening violence only part of the vote-suppressing thuggery going on in Wisconsin.

Liberaland: ‘Open carry’ group in Virginia creates a stir by marching in predominantly black neighborhood.

Talking Points Memo: Endangered Kansas senator warns that President Obama taking the nation toward ‘national socialism.’

Media Matters: Rush Limbaugh invokes Hitler in rant against environmentalists.

NBC10.com: Philly district attorney files criminal charges against two men, woman in attack on gay couple.

Breitbart Unmasked: Judge who ordered ‘sovereign citizen’ to be shocked into compliance is relieved of duty.

Right Wing Watch: Scott Lively says he doesn’t hate gays, he just wants them to enjoy the blessings of ‘heterosexual life.’