How the media abet FRC’s Perkins; ‘Oath Keeper’ threatens to arrest senator; Latina lawmaker’s ‘English only’ protest cut off; and more.
Media Matters: How the mainstream media are helping hate-group leader Tony Perkins gain political power.
Roll Call: Self-proclaimed ‘Oath Keeper’ Jon Ritzenheimer threatens to arrest Sen. Debbie Stabenow, D-Mich., over Iran deal.
Salon: Ted Cruz’s father is even more frightening in his extremist views than Ted Cruz.
Associated Press: Judge sends ex-KKK leader back to prison for violating release terms of cross-burning sentence.
Right Wing Watch: Iowa talk-show host Mickelson promotes hoary 16th Amendment conspiracy theory.
City Paper (Charleston, SC): African-German filmmaker heads South to examine hate groups face-to-face.
Raw Story: Virginia man convicted of harassing black neighbors with racist ‘scarecrow’ after Charleston killings.
KIVI-TV (Twin Falls, ID): Wilder school board ignores protest, rules student can’t bring Confederate flag to academy.
Huffington Post: Pennsylvania’s only Latina lawmaker has her mike cut off while arguing against ‘English-only’ legislation.