Black prisoners part of gerrymander scheme; Refugees a hot topic in Twin Falls; Man plotted to overthrow state government; and more.
Politico: Republican lawmaker says gerrymandering black prisoners is the key to defeating black incumbent.
Talking Points Memo: PA legislator defends his white nationalist witness, because he’s not a ‘white supremacist.’
ABC News: What it was like for North Dakotans when neo-Nazi Craig Cobb tried to take over their little town.
Times-News (Twin Falls, ID): Security, aid to refugees is a hot topic at public forum on CSI center’s work.
The Daily Dot: Stormfront’s dating forum reveals the ugly truth about white supremacist romance.
MetroNews (Charleston, W.Va.): Wood County man charged with plotting terrorist acts to overthrow state government.
NC Policy Watch: Unrepentant Alamance County sheriff to send officers to anti-immigrant group’s event at taxpayer expense.
Caller Times (Corpus Christi, TX): Second man pleads guilty to hate crime for assaulting gay black man.
Roll Call: Michigan Militia disavows Arizona man’s vow to arrest Sen. Debbie Stabenow.
The Hill: On public lands, Congress should stand with the American people, not Bundy-like fringe extremists.