YouTube’s designs facilitates radicalization; ‘Kekistan’ flag gets contractor fired; 3-D gun activist gets the boot at company after arrest; and more.
Media Matters: How YouTube facilitates right-wing radicalization, almost as if by design.
Huffington Post: U.S. military contractor in Afghanistan fired for wearing a neo-Nazi ‘Kekistan’ flag.
Houston Chronicle: Defense Distributed gives Cody Wilson the boot after manhunt, arrest on child sex charges.
AlterNet: Indicted pro-Trump congressman releases racist attack ad attacking Democratic opponent for speaking Korean.
BuzzFeed: Facebook has removed over a dozen political sites after finding they were administered by a fake account.
Think Progress: ICE has detained a father as he was preparing for his children’s baptisms in Wisconsin raids.
Fox-46 TV (Charlotte, NC): YMCA employee calls police on woman over her Muslim swimwear.
Right Wing Watch: FRC’s Bryan Fischer wages ‘major spiritual warfare’ against the ‘demons from hell’ attacking Kavanaugh.
NPR: How a rising star of white nationalism broke free from the movement.
Raw Story: Racist Chicago Cubs fans assault Hispanic man at game, but security hauls Hispanic man away.
Reuters: Austrian chancellor nixes far-right party proposal to restrict press access of three papers.