Trump’s dishonesty on birtherism in debate; How radical the alt-right has become; Religious leaders vow to defy laws; and more.
Think Progress: Donald Trump displays breathtaking dishonesty on his birtherism during debate.
Media Matters: Alex Jones thought Trump should accuse Clinton of ‘treason’ and bring up the death penalty during debate.
Huffington Post: Neo-Nazi Trump supporters are going after young-adult book authors now.
The Washington Post: These charts show exactly how racist and radical the alt-right has gotten this year.
Raw Story: Georgia voter predicts civil war if Clinton wins, says ‘Patriots are going to overthrow the government.’
KEZI-TV (Eugene, OR): Professor speaks out on the lasting effects of Oregon standoff on local communities.
Mediaite: Reality-TV bros post that black police shooting victims ‘have nothing to do with race.’
WHEC-TV (Rochester, NY): Papers promoting white-supremacist website create a stir in Pittsford.
The Detroit News: Racist flyers removed at University of Michigan.
Talking Points Memo: Judge order Kris Kobach to explain why he should not be held in contempt of court.
Right Wing Watch: Religious-right leaders vow to defy laws on abortion, ‘sexual perversion’ in ‘Declaration of Dependence Upon God.’