Pepe suffers post-debate angst; Oregon sheriff takes the Fifth on records; King complains about Germany’s ethnic mix; and more.
Salon: Pepe endures a post-debate identity crisis as alt-right turns on Donald Trump after televised fiasco.
Right Wing Watch: Trump’s new pro-life adviser wants to ban abortions without ‘abominable’ exceptions.
New York Times Magazine: Trump has turned 2016 into the conspiracy theorists’ election.
Crooks and Liars: Nazi Youth, Donald Trump flags for sale side-by-side at Pennsylvania fair.
Canton Daily Ledger (OH): Here’s a ‘Magnificent Seven’ of genuine ‘Deplorables’ who fit the description.
Oregonian: Grant County’s ‘constitutional’ sheriff invokes the Fifth when questioned about public records.
Oregon Public Broadcasting: Prosecution in Malheur standoff trial turns wrapping up its case.
BuzzFeed: Meet Brigitte Gabriel of ACT!, the charming terrifying face of the anti-Islam lobby.
Slate: Republican Rep. Steve King of Iowa complains that Germany isn’t ethnically pure enough anymore.
Dallas Eater (TX): Dallas bar under fire for kicking out patron who objected to patron wearing Nazi imagery.
WKNO-FM (Cordova, TN): Arkansas white Southern nationalists hold first state conference in Conway.
The Daily Beast: Hmong refugees say right-wing sheriff intimidated them at gunpoint.
The State (Columbia, SC): Jury screening in Dylann Roof death penalty case goes quickly in Charleston.
Think Progress: United Nations says ‘racial terrorism’ against black people in U.S. persists, calls for reparations.