• Hatewatch Headlines

Hatewatch Headlines 9/5/14

Hatewatch Staff

Illustration of voting rights advocates

Raw Story: Antigovernment ‘sovereign citizens’ have wacky plot to take over government by forming their own grand juries.

Breitbart Unmasked: Kentucky man arrested for terrorizing immigrant neighbors: ‘KKK wants you to burn.’

Washington Post: How municipalities in St. Louis County, Mo., profit from encouraging black poverty.

KOLD-TV (Tucson, AZ): ‘Outside’ militia groups patrolling rural Arizona desert disturb locals, border-watch groups.

Talking Points Memo: Review in The Economist laments that book portrays all black slaves as ‘victims.’

Huffington Post: Catholic League’s O’Donohue says gays must keep their pants on if they want to march in St. Patrick’s Day parade.

Media Matters: Ted Nugent urges fans to give ‘Allahpuke zombies’ who plan to attack on 9/11 anniversary ‘two to the head.’

WAFF-TV (Huntsville, AL): Two sovereign citizens in Oxford charged with multiple extortion-related crimes.