• Hatewatch

Longtime Anti-Semite Frazier Glenn Miller Confesses to April 2014 Murders

Heidi Beirich

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Audio recordings posted to Vanguard News Network highlight Frazier Glenn Miller's angry confession. 

Two audio files of phone calls taped in October 2014 between Frazier Glenn Miller and neo-Nazi National Alliance member Kevin Alfred Strom were posted to the hate forum Vanguard News Network

In the audio, posted yesterday, Miller claims to be afraid he will be gagged and barred from taking credit for the murder of three individuals during a shooting spree at Jewish Community Centers in Overland Park, Kan., on April 13, 2014. Miller is facing the death penalty for the shooting.

Miller says unequivocally on the first recording, â€œI confess” to the shootings. “Why did I do it? Because my conscience compelled me to kill Jews
And I feel perfectly justified.” Miller speaks of having become “Jew-wise” in 1967 and wanting to kill Jews before he died. “My biggest fear is that I would die before I killed Jews,” he said.  

In the two phone calls, Miller explains that two weeks prior to the shootings he went to the emergency room ill with emphysema and that is “what spurred” him to engage in the shootings. He  details his surveillance of the two Jewish centers and the actions he took the day of the shootings.

The audio is graphic, describing the murders in detail as well as why Miller chose not to shoot one person who said she was not Jewish.

Miller, who killed three people who were not Jewish, including a young boy and his grandfather, also says he has no regrets about those he murdered. He blames the victims for having been at a Jewish institution and being “accomplices of the Jews 
 they are our enemies.” Miller adds that if whites are going to help Jews or interact with Jews, “They are going to have to face the consequences.”

He also states that after the killings he had “never felt such exhilaration. It was overpowering.”

The recordings were posted to VNN by the site’s owner, Alex Linder, also a committed anti-Semite. An email to Linder asking why he chose to post the audio went unanswered.

Miller’s phone calls were arranged by Will Williams, the head of the neo-Nazi National Alliance and a longtime Miller defender. On the recordings, Kevin Strom, who serves as Williams’ main propagandist and blogger, comforts Miller, saying “may the burdens be lifted from your soul even further.” Strom also expresses some concern that the calls may violate his parole status and asks Miller to communicate directly with Williams about disseminating his confession. Strom was convicted of possession of child pornography in 2008 and remains on parole.

Here are the two audio recordings for those who would like to listen. Please be forewarned that they are quite disturbing.