An Oregon man who used a loudspeaker atop his roof to spread hate messages was arrested by police for disorderly conduct, and then joked about it.
James Larry Marr, 63, who has been involved in anti-Semitic, racist activities for years, turned on his roof-top speakers in response to a nearby rally in Springfield, Ore., on Thursday by an anti-hate, social-justice group, the Eugene Register-Guard reported.
“Hate is good,” the recorded message blared from Marr’s roof. “Hate gives us a reason to exist. We can even pass hate onto our children and keep hate alive for centuries.”
Police responded after getting complaints from 30 citizens who could hear the loudspeaker blocks away, including at the rally being held by the Springfield Alliance for Equality and Respect.
When no one answered the door at Marr’s residence, police called the Eugene Fire Department to remove the rooftop speaker. At that point, the newspaper reported, Marr came out and told officers he was “trying to get his message out to people.”
It wasn’t his first attempt to spread hate.
Marr drives a pickup truck emblazoned with a Nazi swastika and the message: “Trump: Do the white thing.”
His truck has been photographed throughout the Pacific Northwest and “widely shared on social media” by Alt-Right supporters of Trump’s candidacy, the newspaper reported.
In the past, Marr also has sported a “No ZOG” vanity license plate and spread racist, neo-Nazi flyers around Springfield area. He also has displayed signs supporting the “White Genocide Project,” which he says defends white people from “oppression by racial minorities,” the newspaper reported.
Marr was charged with second-degree disorderly conduct. Released a few hours later, he tweeted a photo of his arrest, saying, “A good time was had by all.”