• Hatewatch

Major Nativist Extremist Group May Be at End of its Rope

Leah Nelson

William Gheen, head of the nativist extremist Americans for Legal Immigration PAC (ALIPAC), is blaming the “authoritarian and dictatorial actions of Obama” for a budget shortfall that may force his group to shut down in January.

Gheen cited four “major causes” for the financial squeeze, including: (1) “The horrific political and economic environment we find ourselves in as a nation at this time”; (2) GOP presidential candidates who, he feels, are not hard-line enough on immigration; (3) “The authoritarian and dictatorial actions of Obama, who has … demoralized some of our supporters who are throwing their hands up in exhaustion instead of rallying against Obama”; and (4) “technical issues” involving the website and E-mail distribution list.

Conspicuously absent from this litany of grievances is the possibility that ALIPAC supporters are simply tired of Gheen’s antics. Never a master of public appearances, the shrill and thin-skinned nativist made national headlines in August when he told radio host Janet Mefferd that “illegal and violent” “extra-political activities” might be the only way to save “white America” from “Dictator Barack Obama.” A few days later, he botched a chance to explain himself, telling radio host Alan Colmes that it was “ridiculous” for anyone to imagine he thought violence was the only way to stop Obama, complaining of exploitation by his “political opposition.” In June, he launched an “impeach Obama” campaign, accusing the president of treason and urging his followers to “demand” action from their representatives. Three months before that, he earned a sharp rebuke from North Carolina state Rep. Rick Glazier, who according to Immigration Clearinghouse, described Gheen’s rhetoric as “ugly,” “hateful,” “vicious,” and “despicable” during a public debate over an anti-immigrant bill.

Of course, none of this comes out in his latest appeal to supporters, which focuses instead on the supposed machinations of “alien invasion supporters” plotting to take Gheen and ALIPAC down.

Exhorting his followers not to lose hope (or put away their wallets), Gheen promised to use the money he’s sure they’ll sent to remake ALIPAC sleeker and more efficient. “[W]e are going to attempt a bold, and yet risky, maneuver to launch what we are calling ALIPAC 2.0,” he wrote. In addition to E-mails and phone appeals, the group plans to raise money by auctioning off some “secondary websites,” most of which are devoted to calling for boycotts of brands Gheen believes are in cahoots with undocumented immigrants and the villainous “open borders lobby.”

Touching on the possibility that engaging in hysterical anti-Obama rhetoric and freaking out every time a GOP candidate suggests creating a path to citizenship for certain undocumented immigrants may not have been the best idea, Gheen also said that ALIPAC will “greatly limit our efforts in presidential politics as our organization is not in a position of strength necessary to engage on that level and withstand the loss of support that comes with such maneuvers.”

He closed by urging his followers to keep the faith, writing in typical breathless fashion, “Necessity is the mother of invention and we are fighting for the survival of America and we are Americans who will prevail God willing.”