[IL] Simcox To Speak At DePaul University
The Chicago Sun-Times / May 18, 2008
DePaul University is asking a student group to put up $2,500 to cover the cost of private security officers at a lecture by Minuteman vigilante leader Chris Simcox.
[AZ] Arizona Governor Terminates Controversial Sheriff’s Immigration Contract
The Arizona Daily Star / May 14, 2008
Gov. Janet Napolitano ordered the state to cancels its $1.6 million a year immigration enforcement contact with Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, who’s facing widespread accusations of racial profiling.
[CA] Minuteman Project Mobile Consulate Protests Criticized
The Press-Enterprise / May 11, 2008
Recent Minuteman Project demonstrations targeting the Mexican consulate’s mobile services program seem designed more to intimidate immigrants than to reform immigration policy.
[USA] Anti-Immigrant Hate Speech Thrives On Right-Wing Radio Shows
The (Waltham, Mass.) Daily News Tribune / May 19, 2008
Racial slurs and harsh rhetoric demonizing all Latinos have found a home on conservative radio broadcasts.
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