• Hatewatch

Nativist Leader Recasts Immigration Fight as Religious Crusade

Leah Nelson

After nearly shutting down at the end of 2011 due to financial difficulties, William Gheen’s Americans for Legal Immigration PAC (ALIPAC) re-launched earlier this month, announcing plans to “deploy” exciting new strategies against “illegal alien supporters” and their evil co-conspirators in government.

In keeping with the grandiose tone of his fancy new website (which many users apparently find harder to use than the old one), Gheen has recast his “battle” as a religious crusade. In a post this week that defies both modesty and the basic laws of grammar, he wrote, “It is my strongest personal belief that this is not just a political battle, but a spiritual war between good and evil, between those who are defending their homes and trying to conserve what is good about America Vs. aggressive invaders who have overthrown our Republic and taken control of the Executive Branch to further their goals. If my spiritual beliefs offend anyone, then I have no regrets.”

Apparently addressing the legion of atheists he believes hang on his every word, he continued, “I have done my best not to offend anyone and while I want to unify us and organize us, I must be open and honest about my belief that we are not getting out of this mess without God’s intervention. Our fate is in His hands, and I believe seeking to do His will is essential to finding the motivation and inspiration needed to save America, God willing.”

Elsewhere, he hinted that violence might be the only solution. “Many patriotic and peaceful Americans are giving up on the politicians all together, he wrote. “People have had enough and their confidence in political solutions is fading fast.”

Though he has not previously cast himself as a warrior for God, this is not the first time Gheen has alluded to violence. In August, he made national headlines after proclaiming on Janet Mefferd’s syndicated radio show that “illegal and violent” “extra-political activities” might be the only way to save “white America” from a government that had betrayed its people.

Speaking of the urgent need to remove from office “Dictator Barack Obama,” as he insists on referring to the president, Gheen suggested in August that if impeachment were for some reason off the table, a coup might do the trick. “[S]ome people are also leaning to the words ‘treason’ and talking about the military coming in or somebody just coming in taking this guy into some form of arrest if we’re doing this,” he told Mefferd. “What does a nation do when this happens? We may have to try to gather in the streets and demand that Obama step down.”