• Hatewatch

Neo-Nazi Leader Bill White Jailed, Charged With Obstructing Justice

Mark Potok

This time, he finally went too far.

At least that’s what federal officials apparently concluded when they charged neo-Nazi leader Bill White (arrest photo, right), the threat-spewing former anarchist from Roanoke, Va., with obstructing justice on Friday. As first reported by Hatewatch on Sept. 12, the leader of the American National Socialist Workers Party had posted the name, home address and phone numbers of a “Gay, Jewish, anti-racist” juror who helped convict another neo-Nazi leader, Matt Hale, of soliciting the murder of a federal judge.

The Roanoke Times’ Laurence Hammack reported Saturday that Assistant U.S. Attorney Tim Bondurant said White had “threatened use of force” against the foreman of the Chicago jury that convicted Hale, leader of the World Church of the Creator, in 2004. (Hale is now serving a 40-year prison term.) White was being held Saturday in the Roanoke city jail, and was expected to be tried in Chicago.

A week earlier, on Sept. 11, FBI agents with a search warrant raided a Roanoke apartment and seized computer equipment that supports White’s Overthrow.com website, where his comments about the juror were originally posted. An affidavit backing the search warrant said officials were seeking evidence of White’s “threatening Hale juror A.” Overthrow.com has been down ever since.

In his September posting, White did not directly propose violence against the Chicago juror. But he said the man “played a leading role in inciting both the conviction and the harsh sentence that followed.” White went on to describe the conviction as wrongful and said Hale received a “criminally long sentence.’

The Roanoke Times also reported that someone identifying themselves as White posted a message to a Yahoo white supremacist group late Thursday or Friday saying that the FBI had just executed another search warrant, this time on White’s residence. It was not clear what, if anything, was seized.

Bill White has a long and infamous history of posting racist threats and in-your-face suggestions of criminal violence on his Overthrow.com site. In September 2007, he issued a call to “Lynch the Jena 6,” a reference to black teenagers in Jena, La. He has posted the home addresses and phone numbers of numerous enemies, including black syndicated columnist Leonard Pitts and Southern Poverty Law Center CEO Richard Cohen, and even written of attempting to visit my own home in Montgomery, Ala., in a “car full of guns.” The very same week that he posted information about the Chicago juror, White also posted a proposed cover for his National Socialist magazine. The cover featured a photo of Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama with his head in a rifle’s crosshairs and the headline, “Kill This N—–?”