The new issue of the Intelligence Report released today contains an in-depth look at the racist skinhead group Volksfront, whose worldwide network is collapsing as it approaches its 20-year anniversary. Revelations of its activities in the United Kingdom and other countries by the Southern Poverty Law Center appear to have brought its international operations to a screeching halt. This follows the official dissolution of its 17 U.S.-based chapters last year, meaning the Volksfront era may now finally be over.
The Winter 2012 issue also includes:
•Conspiracy Act exposes the conspiracy-mongering activities of actor Richard Belzer, who is known to millions of Americans as television’s John Munch, the acerbic detective in “Law & Order: SVU.” The popular actor is an increasingly florid conspiracy theorist and author who recently has come to describe the United States as a “fascist” country ruled by “sociopaths.”
•‘Village of the Damned’ looks at white supremacist Craig Cobb’s efforts to take over the near-ghost town of Leith, N.D. Cobb plans to create a “Pioneer Little Europe” — an all-white community he’d like to rename Cobbsville.
•End Game examines the state of the National Alliance, which once dominated the U.S. neo-Nazi scene. The group has fallen on increasingly hard times and has recently announced that it is no longer a membership organization.
•Terror’s Measure details studies of domestic terrorism compiled since 9/11.
•First Blood explores the extremely violent racist skinhead group known as Die Auserwählten, or Crew 41, that has left a wake of bloody violence in two states.
•The Velvet Glove examines the growing radicalization of the League of the South.